What Do ADHD, Long Covid And Ehler’s Danlos Have In Common? Meet The Mast Cell. – Forbes

What Do ADHD, Long Covid And Ehler’s Danlos Have In Common? Meet The Mast Cell. – Forbes

Excerpt from Forbes article

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is a condition that very few people know about, sadly even most primary care doctors. For International Disabled Person’s Day, read below for an overview of what it is, how it is disabling and how to get help. It contributes to continued, low levels of sickness that can plague productivity, career growth and labor market participation. It can also become much more sinister if left untreated as we age. Employers can make accommodations to lessen the burden.

What Is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

Mast cell activation syndrome causes hypersensitive responses to potential allergens, often resulting in histamine release, which causes inflammation. Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) occurs when the mast cells behave like this across many areas of the body at different times, causing periods of significant ill health and disability, before recovering again. Dr Afrin, Mast Cell specialist, describes the MCAS profile:

“MCAS often presents insidiously, slowly worsening over time, with general themes of chronic multisystem inflammation with or without allergic-type problems; there may also be poor healing or other abnormal growth or development in various tissues and organs. The chronic nature of the disease is often punctuated, too, by acute “flares” or “spells” of various symptoms.”

It’s basically sensory sensitivity at the cellular level.

Read the full story in Forbes.

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